News and Insights

Sevenoaks BID Proposal

Stay informed and up-to-date with the latest news and insights from the Sevenoaks BID proposal. Stay informed on the issues that matter.

Green Light!

The whole Town Team, including businesses, residents, voluntary groups and councillors, is delighted that the first round of the Sevenoaks Business Improvement District consultation has been completed.

Over the last four months it has tested whether there is support in principle from local businesses to create a Sevenoaks BID. Some objections were received, but many more were in favour. The majority of businesses registered wanted to see what a BID would deliver.

Now the next stage is to produce a Business Plan. The Team voted unanimously to do this, starting in January. Tony Clayton, Chair of the Town Team, said: “I am very encouraged that this is moving forward, as a BID can bring so many opportunities to enhance the town both for business and residents. “It will give local businesses a stronger voice in developing the town. This is the result of many conversations to build agreement on the important issues for Sevenoaks – but there are more people to ask. “Some BIDs concentrate on a town centre, an industrial area or tourism. In our case we are looking to help business succeed right across the Sevenoaks Town area.

“The first round of consultation produced a wide range of topics that businesses would like to see enhanced but there is an open door and we will welcome suggestions, from Sevenoaks business community, as well as those who work and live here.” For this next step, a volunteer Steering Group from all types of town businesses by geography and type, together with local interest groups, is being set up to develop the Plan. The Group will use suggestions put forward during the first consultation phase and make its own assessment of what will work for Sevenoaks enterprise, after looking at other successful town BIDs.

The Plan will identify actions which can best help local businesses grow, such as security improvements, making streets easier to walk, more events to raise footfall, support for new businesses, marketing Sevenoaks ‘offer’ to local residents, supporting training and recruitment.

The plan will be published and sent to all qualifying businesses – those with a rateable value over £15,000 except for schools, NHS buildings, charities and others before a ballot is held. If the answer is ‘Yes’ a non-profit company will be set up, led by businesses, to deliver the plan.

Businesses and residents are invited to send ideas to

The Launch

The 2024 Sevenoaks Business Show provided the perfect opportunity to launch the Sevenoaks BID consultation when Town Team Chair, Tony Clayton introduced the subject and Ben Collins of British BIDs provided the details.


It is important for all businesses in the BID area to be made aware of the BID proposal, so at the beginning of August, 773 explanatory letters with a brochure were sent to all Sevenoaks’ businesses.

Over the next few weeks there will be:

  • a meeting with members of the Sevenoaks District Chamber of Commerce
  • a series of social media posts and further notifications, with a reminder to complete the “Your Views” questionnaire on this site.